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Parents » MHS Attendance Policy

MHS Attendance Policy

Clearing Absences:
You have 5 school days in which to clear a student's absence.  You may clear an absence the following ways:
1.Email the Attendance Department
2.Provide a note signed by a parent or guardian
3. Provide a Drs. or DDS note
Still need to speak with an Attendance Clerk?  Call 714-893-6571 extensions 53428 or 53619
*Please provide the following information about the absence: the student's name, the student's ID #, dates of absence and reason for absence.

Health Absences:

  • To protect others, students with a temperature ≥ 100.4°F are asked to remain home and not return until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Likewise, if your student is vomiting please keep them home until they are symptom-free for 24 hours.

  • Readmission to classes after a period of absence of 3 days or more due to an illness will require a doctor’s note or clearance from the health office.

  • Please make medical appointments outside of school hours. If that is not possible, please have your student attend those periods during which he/she/they does not have the appointment. The student will be issued a health excuse for those periods missed if he/she/they have a signed doctor’s note for the medical/dental appointment during school hours.

  • After 14 health absences, a doctor’s note will be required to clear any further absences.