To develop their capacities and profit from the school education program to the limit of their abilities.
To receive respectful consideration as individuals.
To expect rules to be reasonable.
To accept consistent application of the rules.
To receive assistance from all school services.
To acquaint themselves and comply with the regulations of the school and District.
To pursue the required course of study.
To respect and submit to the authority of teachers and those in authority.
To assist in application of regulations in their peer group through cooperative citizenship in student government.
To accept disciplinary measures as necessary for group control.
To cooperate with school services in the interest of self-improvement.
To display proper conduct to and from school and on school grounds and school buses. Specific prohibitions listed in the State Education Code include: Abstinence from gambling, immorality, profanity, use of tobacco, narcotics, or intoxicating liquors on school grounds or at school-related activities.
To be diligent in study. Specifically to:
Be regular and punctual in attendance.
Pay close attention to instruction.
Exhibit good citizenship at all times.
Accomplish school work at the level of one’s ability.
To demonstrate cooperative spirit in effort to achieve.
To respect racial, ethnic and religious differences.
Students must carry the school ID card with bar code at all times, if lost or damaged, the replacement charge is $5.00 (Wednesday only at Lunch in room 301). Students found without ID will be given Saturday school. Students out of class must have a Teacher Hall Pass or note at all times or receive a TTW. Students without a class must be in the library or off campus.