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College & Career Center » Scholarships



The College Board Opportunity Scholarship program rewards juniors and seniors with scholarships for simply completing the actions they need to take to apply to college. Students are not required to write an essay, fill out an application or have a specific GPA or test scores.


Scholastic Art and Writing


Orange County Community Foundation (Multiple Opportunities)




Due in January

The NCL South Coast branch has a scholarship open to Marina female seniors. The eligibility requirements are as followed: female high school senior who has a genuine desire to continue education, has a 3.0+ GPA, completes an interview, and has financial hardships. The application can be found below and is due Jan 31, 2025. 


The Hispanic Education Endowment Fund (HEEF) is a collaboration of more than 30 funding partners passionate about helping first-generation college students. The scholarship program offers individual scholarship awards of $2,500 - $5,000 across multiple areas of interest for high school graduates and community college transfer students enrolling at a four-year college or university for Fall 2025. To apply, students must: 1) Complete a General Application at 2) Click "Apply To" HEEF in the Opportunities Tab to complete the sub-fund supplemental questions. Questions about the scholarship? Read more here or contact Mayra Chavez at [email protected]. The deadline is January 17, 2025


The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and American Indians Committee offer many scholarship opportunities. Each scholarship opportunity has its own individual criteria and may require specific documents to be uploaded into your application. The scholarships opportunities range from nursing, medicine, occupational or physical therapy, law, business administration, English, math, chemistry, music (voice or piano only), American history, history, government, American Studies, historic preservation, horticulture, and elementary and secondary education. Two scholarships are specifically for Native American students (you must provide proof of membership in a federal or state-recognized tribe). All information must be submitted by the January 31st deadline by 11:59 p.m. (Hawaii Time). NO EXCEPTIONS! Click the link to see all the scholarship opportunities. 


APIA Scholars provides scholarships to qualified students of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage pursuing an undergraduate degree at a U.S.-accredited college or university. Scholarships range from one-time $2,500 awards to multi-year $20,000 awards. Learn more and apply. Application closes: January 21, 2025 





Due in Feb

The Dan and Vicky Hancock Scholarship for Mechanical Engineering Excellence, established by Dan and Vicky Hancock, provides financial support for students pursuing college degrees in the field of mechanical engineering. The eligibility requirements and scholarship application can be found here. Application will open on Feb 1st and is due on Feb 28, 2025. They will award a $5500 scholarship.  


The Doyle Foundation Scholarship is accepting applications from November 1st to February 1, 2025 for Seniors graduating in Spring 2025 from a HBUHSD school. Complete the application on


Each year, DAV honors volunteers who demonstrate outstanding dedication and service to America’s veterans. The DAV scholarship is open to volunteers age 21 or younger who have contributed a minimum of 100 hours credited through DAV or DAV Auxiliary. Students may apply with the inclusion of an essay on what volunteering for veterans means for them. The application is due Feb 28, 2025 and the application can be found here. If you need additional information please email [email protected].


The Donald and Barbara Mozley Scholarship provides financial support for students pursuing an engineering degree at an ABET accredited college or university. Applications open on Feb 1, 2025 and the deadline is Feb 28, 2025. Read more here



Due in March

The Cabrillo Civic Club Scholarship is for students of Portuguese Descent. Recipients will earn $500 and the deadline is March 15, 2025. The application is below.


(ISC)² WOMEN’S Cybersecurity Scholarship awards up to ten scholarships ranging between $1,000 – $5,000. Students may be a senior in high school, an undergraduate student, graduate or post graduate student to be eligible and must have a GPA of at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale. An unofficial transcript, letter of recommendation, resume and essay responses are part of the application process.. Learn more here. The application opens January 15th and will close on March 3, 2025. Inquiries can be sent to [email protected] or call 727-493-3587.


The Las Damas Continuing Education Scholarship is offering seniors who are residents living in Sunset beach, Surfside, and parts of Huntington Beach an opportunity to help continue his/her education. The application can be found here and is due March 7th at 4pm. Applications must be submitted to [email protected]


The Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship will award 50 students $20,000. To be considered applicants must be a US based high school senior of African descent and plan to attend a four year college with the plan to pursue a bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, or select business programs. The deadline is March 13, 2025 and the application can be found here.   



Due in April

Kiwanis Scholarships are Need Based and available to graduating high school seniors from Marina High,Huntington Beach High, Ocean View High, and Edison High School, who are enrolled or planning to enroll as a full time student in an Orange County or Los Angeles County community (2yr), 4 year college or vocational education. Kiwanis will award six, $5,000 scholarships’ to be paid over two years by semester, subject to earning full time student status with at least a 2.0 GPA for the previous semester. The deadline is April 3 and the application can be found below. 


Kiwanis also has a new Kiwanis Medical Scholarship for students who plan to pursue a career in the medical field (Nursing, Pharmacist, Medical Doctor, Therapist etc). That application is below and due April 3.