Marina High School Home of the Vikings

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Events and Presentations

 College and Military Visitors - See Schedule HERE!

1/8 - Freshman AVID Class Visit

1/10 - Financial Aid Day (All Periods) Cafe (Seniors)

1/16 - District Community College Fair (5pm-7pm) HBHS Student Center

1/17 - Military Fair (Student Lunch) MHS outside library 




2/7 - Military Fair (Student Lunch) MHS outside library 

2/18-2/21 - 11th Grade Presentations (All Periods) Classroom (Juniors)




3/13 - Goldchella Field Trip (9:30am-1pm) GWC Seniors 

3/7 - Military Fair (Student Lunch) MHS outside library 

3/10 - 11th Grade College Info Night (6pm-7:30pm) Cafe (Juniors) 



4/3 - Armed Forces Night (6pm-7:30pm) Oceanview HS (All Students)

4/11 - Military Fair (Student Lunch) MHS outside library 



5/2 - Trade Wave Career Fair (4th - lunch) Cafe (All Students)

5/9 - Military Fair (Student Lunch) MHS outside library 



6/4 - Distinguished Vikings Night (5:30pm) Gym (Invited Seniors)

6/6 - Military Fair (Student Lunch) MHS outside library


spring military fair