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CSF (California Scholarship Federation)

Juniors and Seniors!
It's that time again to apply for CSF Membership! You will use your Spring 2024 grades to qualify.
*Sophomores can apply in Spring 2024

  1. You must earn a MINIMUM of 10 points.
    1. The first 4 POINTS MUST BE FROM LIST I
    2. The first 7 POINTS (including the 4 described in “a” above) MUST BE FROM LIST I or II.
    3. The remaining points may come from any list (I, II, or III)
  2. You must use NO MORE THAN 5 COURSES to qualify.
  3. NO CSF POINTS are given for physical education, courses taken in lieu of physical education, subjects repeated to improve a grade, or courses involving clerking and office/teacher assisting.
    1. CSF points are granted as follows:

  A = 3 CSF points
  B = 1 CSF points
  C = 0 CSF points
  D or F = Disqualifies you from CSF membership at this time (in any course) 

  *Note: one additional point shall be granted for a grade of A or B in an AP, IB, or Honors course, up to a MAXIMUM of 2 additional points PER SEMESTER.



Additional guidelines:

  1. Semester membership is based on work done in the PREVIOUS semester. You must REAPPLY EACH SEMESTER.
  2. Courses you may use are listed on the CSF course list. They’re divided into LISTS I, II, and III.
  1. List the CSF approved courses you are using to qualify in the boxes (Course List attached).
    D.To qualify as a Seal Bearer, students must be a full CSF member four out of six semesters, grades 10-12. 
  1. At least one semester must be from the senior year. 

E. $5.00 membership dues. AFTER your application has been approved, you will receive an email from Ms. Yu regarding instructions on how to pay your $5 dues.
Fall 2024 Application filing period: 10/7/24 -10/18/24     
Deadline to pay dues: 11/8/24
Click here to apply!

Reasons to apply!
1) Looks great on College Apps! Reinforces your academic achievements 
2) Qualify as a CSF Sealbearer - Seal on Marina Diploma
3) Scholarship Opportunity
4) Regalia and Participation in Senior Honors  

CSF Fall 2024